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Infor Demand Planning
Infor Inventory Planning
Plan sales more accurately through statistics and collaboration
Sophisticated statistical models and built-in machine learning

Demand scenarios with a financial view and comparison with the budget

Demand Collaboration Process Management

Life Cycle management, Products Phase-in and

Seasonal Alerts, Obsolescence
and sporadic events

Statistical calculation of Security Stocks

Infor Demand Planning is a demand planning tool with several statistical models (Machine Learning, Best Fit, Holt-Winter, Crostons, etc.), with a collaborative planning module and performance indicators (MAPE, BIAS, Forecast Error, etc.) essential to monitor the assertiveness of your planning.
An extension of this module, Infor Inventory Planning, makes it possible to define safety stocks statistically, considering the error in forecasting demand, desired service levels, lead-times, size of replacement lots, among others.

Download the prospect

5 signs that indicate that your demand planning process can improve:
The accuracy between sales force collaboration and statistical models is difficult to measure
There are few or no advanced statistical techniques employed in the current demand forecasting process
The planning horizon is too short or imprecise to help with the operational capacity plan
Difficulty generating alternative demand scenarios, with variations in segments, products or locations
Areas of influence, such as marketing or pricing, do not collaborate on a platform with a unified database
Top 3 Possible Benefits with the Solution:

+ 15%
reducing inventory levels

+15 pp
improving sales accuracy

+ 10%
increased revenue
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